We listed below all our theme options. You can learn how we used Woodex WordPress theme options in below;
In General Settings; Here you can upload the site favicon for your website and enable / disable preloader which appear at the time of page load. Along with you are also facilitate to enter google analytics custome css codes.
In Color Presets; Here you can select default color presets or custom color for your website
In Typography; Here you can select custom body fonts, menu fonts and header fonts for your website
In Top Navigation; Here you can customize Top Line appears on top of the menubar.
You can enable or disable the sosial links
Customize the email and contact number input fields
In Logo Setup; Use logo image for better experience and set the height fot logo image.
In Banner Setup; Use banner image for better experience.
In Blog Setup; Blog contains options like pagination enable or disable and custmize the excerpt length.
In CPT Options; Here you can customize the services, portfolio and team slugs.
In Social Network; Access social network facebook, google, linkdin, instagram, twitter and youtube etc.
In 404 Page Option; 404 error page with error page content or image that will show the error of page.
In Footer Option; Choose footer theme with default footers and pattern of unique background images..